Tuesday, July 14, 2009

319.8 and counting

Yeh!!! I am out of the 320's! Well as far as my morning weight goes anyway. I am so excited. It's awesome that people can see the difference and are commenting on it. It's certainly a confidence booster.
I have a youtube channel now. I think I may do a commentary on losing weight once I get down to 100lbs lost. We'll see. I know that this time next month, I will be under 300. It's an amazing thought. Speaking of amazing thoughts, my daughter will be 1 years old on Friday! OMG where has the time gone? I won't get into how hard the labor was...cause it was HARD...but she was worth it. I just get teary eyed when I think about how much she is growing into a ball of personality. I love it! Of course I can tie this into having lost weight...Kayla requires energy. In play, in taking care of her, and in play. I now have so much energy for her. Everyday, I make it a habit to chase her around the house while on my hands and knees. I roll around with her on the floor, and lift her up on my legs. I'm able to do these things because I have lost so much weight. At 387 lbs, all I wanted to do was come home from work, and take a nap, or sit on the couch. Now I am an active participant in all aspects of my child's life. I want her to look at me as her Hero when she gets a little older. I want her to say, "Wow! My Mommy did this?! Amazing!"
In other news, my Mom decided to wait on MRC. She is going to try the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet for a month. If she has not lost a substantial amount of weight, she will go to MRC. I think she should do MRC but that's just my opinion. I hope that she is successful with the Carb addict diet. I want her to be. I honestly don't care what diet she does, as long as she is healthy and happy. I want her to see results, and I want her to see them quickly and in a healthy manner. That would make me so happy!

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