Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a new day!

Well I have the Will song stuck in my head (that's a good thing) since I was listening to it while I walked. I really enjoy walking. I never knew it would feel so good. I love walking in the mornings when it's nice and cool. I walk at work everyday (15 at in the am, 30 at lunch, and 15 at my pm break). Maybe soon I will try the treadmill. hmmm....maybe not. I don't know, walking for 30 minutes, but seeing the same scenery, somehow isn't appealing to me. But hey, don't knock something til' you try it right? Anyway, I weighed myself this morning, and I am 370. That's 17 whole lbs! I am so determined to do this. My immediate goal is to get to 350. I think setting small goals is important. I saw these really beautiful dresses that I want to get. It was on (the dresses are below), and I want to get them in an 18/20 so bad. They are between $82 and $130 I think, but they would be the first dresses in that size that I have had since middle or high school. Come to think of it, it probably has been since 9th grade. I think that year I crossed over into the 20's.
I started the HNS portion of this diet. It's tough. I mean the drinks are yummy, but it feels like you are eating a buffet. This morning I had 1 egg with 2 oz of cheddar cheese, and a slice of 40 cal. toast, and my hns. I also had some water, and I felt like I was going to burst! Funny, but whatever works you know?

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